Malvern Panalytical – Zetasizer Advance
Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.
Each of the three models in the Zetasizer Advance Range offers particle size, particle charge (zeta potential) and molecular weight analysis. In addition, each benefits from advances including Adaptive Correlation, M3-PALS zeta potential analysis, constant current zeta mode and our deep learning-based data quality advice system.
All Zetasizer Advance systems offer on-site upgradeability with minimal downtime. Should your needs change, your Zetasizer can adapt to new challenges.
Each of the three models is available as a Blue Label or Red Label variant:
- Choose Blue Label for routine sample investigation such as metallic colloids, metal oxides and pigments
- Choose Red Label for more challenging sample types, such as proteins, surfactant solutions and low solid content samples
Technical Specifications
Zetasizer Ultra | Zetasizer Pro | Zetasizer Lab | ||
Teknologi | ||||
DLS 90° Klasik | V | V | ||
Non-Invasive Back Scatter DLS (NIBS) | V | V | ||
Multi-Angle Dynamic Light Scattering (MADLS) | V | |||
Tipe pengukuran | ||||
Zeta potential | V | V | V | |
Berat molekul* | V | V | V | |
Konsentrasi partikel/titer | Hanya label merah | |||
*instrumen terkait – perangkat lunak akan segera dirilis |
Model Yang Tersedia
Terdepan Dengan Percaya Diri: Zetasizer Pro dan Zetasizer Ultra dari Malvern Panalytical
Journal of Electronic Materials | 2023 June 27 | Read Article
Large-Scale Green Electrochemical Synthesis of Smart Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials: Controlled Morphology and Rotatable Surface Ligands via Tuning Electrolyte Structures
Quan Doan Mai, Ha Anh Nguyen, Nguyen Ngoc Huyen, …, Anh-Tuan Le
Article Snippet
The shapes and sizes of the sets of TiO2 were collected using a scanning electron microscope operating under an acceleration voltage of 5 kV. The crystal phase was investigated by x-ray diffraction under voltage of 40 kV and current of 30 mA. The optical properties of e-TiO2 were studied by ultraviolet–visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectra. Chemical properties were investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Thermal properties were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The surface properties and stability were analyzed by ζ potential measurements (Zetasizer Ultra Red Label)… More
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Malvern Panalytical dibentuk dari penggabungan usaha Malvern Instruments dan PANalytical pada 1 Januari 2017 dan mempekerjakan lebih dari 2000 orang di seluruh dunia. Teknologi Malvern Panalytical digunakan oleh para ilmuwan dan insinyur di berbagai industri dan organisasi untuk mengatasi tantangan yang terkait dengan usaha memaksimalkan produktivitas, mengembangkan produk berkualitas yang lebih baik sehingga memudahkan penetrasi ke pasar. Misi perusahaan ini adalah menciptakan solusi dan layanan superior yang berfokus pada pelanggan untuk memberikan dampak ekonomi yang nyata melalui analisis bahan kimia, fisik dan struktural.